A chat with veteran character actor Tom Bower

Tom BowerI recently talked with actor Tom Bower, who’s had a long and storied career in film, televisions do theatre, appearing in Die Hard 2, The Hills Have Eyes, Bad Lieutenent: Port Of Call New Orleans, I Melt With You, Beverly Hills Cop 2, Out Of The Furnace, and many more. Tom also recently had a gues spot on Showtime’s hit drama Ray Donovan. It was a good chat, hope you enjoy!

Nate: What was your background before acting, and how did you find yourself getting involved in the craft? Was it something you wanted to do from a young age? Did you attend school for it?

Tom: Went to NYC right out of High School. Attended American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Nate: You have been very steadily working since the early 70’s, and indeed still constantly appear in films and shows. Do you enjoy the business, the constant jumping from one project to another?

Tom: Never working enough. When film business gets slow for me, I try to do a play. Just finished a six week run here in LA.

Nate: You mostly make small but very memorable appearances that mark whichever film it is with your distinct, excellent qualities and grounded, focused nature. Have you ever been approached to play a lead in any projects, and bring that into the forefront of a film or show? Would you be excited to do so?

Tom: I’ve done a number of lead roles, such as WILDROSE, FEEL, DARK AROUND THE STARS, GOSPEL HILL. One that is in post production; GARNER IOWA. Enjoy both lead roles in small movies and smaller roles in big movies. Also, cable episodic such as RAY DONOVAN; this season.

Nate: I Melt With You: How was your experience working on this unique project? Have you seen the film? What did you think?

Tom: I had worked with the director MARK PELLINGTON before. He was able to get a tremendous cast on a very small budget. I had worked with Thomas Jane on his first movie. Nice to work with him again along with the other super stars. Shot most of my stuff on a boat between Monterey and Big Sur. Liked the way it turned out.

Nate: Bad Lieutenant: Any stories about your experiencing working with Werner Herzog and Nicolas Cage?

Tom: Great working with Werner and Nic. Always love working in New Orleans, before and after Katrina. Great city, great people. Thought the movie was brilliant, the best I’ve ever seen for Nic. Company didn’t do a good enough job distributing it.

Nate: Besides acting, what other things in life do you like to do? Hobbies, interests ?

Tom: Was a good athlete growing up. These days a fanatic Golfer. Pretty much a lifetime passion since I was a caddie at 13. Love to read, go to movies, hang out with my wife of 45 years, Ursula, who just retired after working for 40 years at the same Law Firm here in LA. Going to visit son and two grandkids, brother, sister and other extended members of family in Denver and Daughter and two grandkids in New Jersey.

Nate: You have four producers credits to your name as well as your gigantic list of acting ones. Care to speak about your experience producing? Do you often consider branching into other avenues of filmmaking?

Tom: I like every process of Filmmaking, being involved with every aspect from start to finish as a producer. Have quite a number of projects with various filmmakers in development. Raising money always the hardest part, getting harder all the time.

Nate: Who are some of you favourite characters you’ve played over your career?

Tom: Have played a wide variety of characters over a period of 43 years and a couple hundred movie and TV roles. Never had a role I didn’t like to some degree. Go back and forth between city and country., professional characters, and grungy hard nose characters, scy- fy, and realistic.

Nate: Any projects coming up that you are excited about and would like to mention?

Tom: Two films out currently, both in theaters and on demand; DIGGING FOR FIRE; and RUNOFF. both very different from one another. Have the previously mentioned GARNER IOWA; and a movie called IN EMBRYO; coming out sometime later this year. Working on a couple of things beyond I hope to do. Would love to do some more cable TV episodics like that of RAY DONOVAN; on Showtime.

Nate: Cheers, Tom! Keep up the awesome work and thanks again for chatting.

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